S E A T T L E ' S B E S T C O F F E E

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newBookmarkLockedFalling she only [pretends] to like you
Addison Boleyn-Walker 6 120 by Addison Boleyn-Walker
Jun 18, 2008 22:31:35 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Lonely;; doesn't mean a thing }}
siren 12 174 by Aesh Patrick Jalour
May 27, 2008 13:34:24 GMT -5


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S E A T T L E ' S B E S T C O F F E E
Seattle hasn't always been the center of the coffee universe, in fact the city once served as much bad coffee as the rest of the country. That changed in the early 70's when a group of passionate coffee lovers started a revolution. The founders of Seattle's Best were some of these early coffee pioneers, and in the beginning the coffee was roasted in an old peanut roaster down on the Seattle waterfront.

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